Berlin Fellowship 2018 — Visual Arts

Mirkan Deniz
Works and lives in Zurich (CH)
Mirkan Deniz works with sculpture, video and installation. Her conceptual works are often reconstructions and citations. One of her interests is the tension between materials and immaterial effects (trauma, ineffable experiences, and memories). How can an object (a sculpture) maintain this tension while investigating the relationship between past, violence and subjectivity?
Exhibitions, Performances
Solo exhibition, Wir waren nur Gastgeberin, Akademie der Künste, Berlin
Installation of the work Masa, as well as the films Barikat and verbunden
Solo exhibition, Akrep, Kunstraum Les Complices, Zurich
Exhibition of the work Ohne Titel (Untitled, 911 Kilometer), Haus Konstruktiv, Zurich
Exhibition of the installation Sınır-Sokak, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZhdK), Zurich
Public art action with the work Masa in front of the Swiss Parliament building in Bern, Switzerland
Participation in the performance Uncounted by Emily Roysdon, Kunsthalle Zürich
Displayed Masa in the context of the exhibition The Others Have Arrived Safely, Shedhalle, Zurich, as well as the public art action at the Palais de Rumine, Lausanne
Solo exhibition of the work Sprich Deutsch, sprich viel!, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZhdK), Zurich
Auge Kimme Korn series in the exhibition Can hope be disappointed?, Lochergut, Zurich
Filmography, Works (selection)
Akrep. Installation: Reconstruction of various parts of an armoured combat vehicle used by Turkish security forces
Barikat. Film performance, 13 min
Masa. Reconstruction of the table on which the Treaty of Lausanne was signed in 1923; public action in Lausanne and Bern
What is time if not activism?, performance, 20 min
verbunden. Short film, 13 min
Auge Kimme Korn. Series of 15 drawings on paper