Berlin Fellowship 2022 — Performing Arts

Zsófia Lili Orbán
*2001, Budapest (HUN)
Lives in Göd (HUN)
Zsófia Lili Orbán is currently studying aesthetics and theatre studies at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. Her main interest is opera direction – she is primarily drawn to opera by the complex aesthetic experience created by the fusion of different art forms. Her main objective is to bring opera closer to her generation. She is also concerned with art-philosophical problems, which she aims to support her future works. Opera is the eternal quintessence of humanity – this is the main principle that defines her attitude.
During my residency, I hope to translate my creativity and conceptions to the practice of directing with the help of my mentor, Arila Siegert. In opera, due to its complexity and intense expressivity, I see an unmatched potential for artistic communication. Through my works, I would like to show that opera is not intended just for a particular social stratum, as broadening the audience is an important mission of mine. In addition, I plan to delve deeper into the birth of opera and the theoretic scripts of Monteverdi. It is meant to help me think about the question what this genre has to say to us today, four centuries after its birth.