Werner Düttmann Fellowship 2020

Cássio Diniz Santiago is a performance artist, theatre and dance director, dramaturg, researcher and teacher. He studied Performing Arts at the State University of Campinas, Brazil and attended the MA course in Choreography and Performance at Giessen University. He was a fellow at Akademie Schloss Solitude, using performance art as a research tool in the field of economy. His performance, theatre, dance and multidisciplinary art projects have been shown at the São Paulo Biennial, the Modern Art Museum of São Paulo, the Baltic Circle Theatre Festival, the Akademie der Künste and the Mousonturm, among others.
During my residency, I will work on creating a "grammar" in the form of film and online hypertext. This grammar is based on the performance S.C.H.U.U.L.E. (Susann Maria Hempel and Cássio Diniz Santiago, 2019), which is set in a classroom where twelve professors impart unconventional knowledge. A performative lesson that "returns to us an image in which we are not recognizable to ourselves", quoting Maniglier. S.C.H.U.U.L.E. was presented at the Akademie der Künste in 2019. Political economy, production of subjectivity, post-colonial debate, epistemology, derivatives, temporalities, performance, dance, theatre, concepts of care and art, are some of the topics covered in this new "grammar".