Artur Schnabel –
Homage in Works, Letters, Images
After a rather traditional start in his work as a composer, Artur Schnabel, the leading Beethoven pianist of his day, proved to be highly innovative. The pieces in this concert of Schnabel’s works – the song Notturno (1914), with words by Richard Dehmel, and his Piano Quintet (1915/16) – are among his first “modern” compositions after discovering Schönberg’s music. The Seven Piano Pieces (1947) date from Schnabel’s late oeuvre. In his letters, Schnabel was a radical commentator on his time – in the area of music just as much in as in the political sphere.
A Kulturradio, rbb event
with the support of Akademie der Künste
as part of Berliner Festspiele / Musikfest Berlin.