15. Berliner Hörspielfestival
(Berlin Audio Play Festival)


The Berliner Hörspielfestival (Berlin Audio Play Festival) celebrates the 100th anniversary of audio plays in Germany with two new productions of Zauberei auf dem Sender by radio pioneer Hans Flesch from 1924. In addition to an audio installation, a live performance, an audio play concert, workshops and discussions, the competitions for the coveted “burning mics” take centre stage. Because one hundred years are not enough!


Programme for download (PDF, in German)

Programme for download (barrier-free PDF, in German)

Trailer: 15. Berliner Hörspielfestival (0:51 min)

13 — 15 Sep 2024

Competitions, debates, live acts

In German

per day € 12/8

Buy ticket online

Further information

Berliner Hörspielfestival